Some general questions

I am a newby, I am going to evaluate a Banana Pi BPI-F3 with Bianbu OS for an industrial project

But, what are differences between these image archives:

First archive contains a newer version 2.1 - but it is a little confusion - some docu jumps to second archive URL.

I installed Bianbu O2 Version 2.1 minimal on the Banana Pi BPI-F3. For the evaluation some I2C sensors will be connect with board.

For a I2C test I attached a D3231 RTC

First issue

i2cdetect -y 0
Warning: Can’t use SMBus Quick Write command, will skip some addresses

i2cdetect -y -r 0 fix this problem. But no RTC on I2C address 0x68 is visible.

Should this work? Is there any documentation to setup HW interfaces like I2C available?

Hello,could you show your patch for i2c-test? Or describe how the I2C is connected, which pin it is connected to?